[Result] Total : 869 QSO
FT8: 840 QSO (20m:585 & 40m:255 )
CW : 28 QSO (160m,30m,20m )
SSB: 1 QSO (40m)
[RIG] TS-480HX (50w~170w)
[ANT] Micro-Vert
I stayed at Robelt Reimers Hotel . Good rocation for JA , W . But there is a few space for antenna . I used Microvert very near the sea .
Condition was not good for SSB . I made only 1 QSO in the contest ( with Japanese famous contest station , but many times I had to speak to confirm my call-sign and contest number )
So I changed to FT8 mode .
At 50w output , it was a little dificult to contact . At 70w out put , JA was good .
At 90W output , W's east coast was good .
Thank you very much for many contacts . I could get ZS .
1) Bungalow , very close to the seaside . 2 MV antenna for 14MHZ and 7MHZ .
2) Church and blossom tree near the hotel .
3) FT8
4) At the seaside
There coming a big tyhoon , and there was some damage at the Island Resort Hotel .
It is a little difficult to operate radio station here .
1) There was a good beach .
2) Calm building but a little difficult to construct antenna .
3) Bridge .
4) Very big hotel !