[Result] JA=60%
Sep/03 14MhzCW=92 10MhzCW=1
Sep/04 18MhzCW=205
Sep/05 21MhzCW=42 21MhzSSB=25
14MhzSSB=2 7MhzCW=100
Sep/06 21MhzCW=1 18MhzCW=44 14MhzCW=59
7MhzCW=41 3.5MhzCW=2
Sep/07 7MhzCW=5 3.5MhzCW=2
[RIG] TS-480HX(100W~150w)
[ANT] Single Loop ,LW
★By the information of QRZ.com , SN was 24~36
The Condx of High Bands were always 「poor」!!!
I surprised so much like these severe condition .
※Thank you very much for nice QSO to all stations .
Especially , QRV at 3.5MHZ was my 1st experience , I am so pleased !
1) I stayed at BENJOR BEARCH CLUB . It is situated at the east side of Efate island .
2) 3) Cottage has two rooms . I made my antenna in the garden of the beach side .
1) Market in the Port Villa city
2) Street
3) Many people were enjoying the noon time
4) From the hill near Port Villa (after 50 minites walk from the city).